Российско-Вьетнамский Тропический
научно-исследовательский и технологический центр
научно-исследовательский и технологический центр
2021 г.
Требования к соискателям вакансий (Вьетнам)
Общие положения к сведению соискателей вакансий в штат постоянных сотрудников Тропического центраТребования к соискателям вакансий в штат постоянных сотрудников Тропического центра (Вьетнам)
2019 г.
2018 г.
Библиографический указатель "Тропцентр - 2018"
Библиографический указатель публикаций Тропического центра за 2011-2017 гг. Изд. 5-е дополненное // Ханой: Издательство Министерства планирования и инвестиций. 2018. 74 с. 2015 г.
Практические рекомендации по адаптации российских специалистов к тропическим условиям Вьетнама
А. Н. Кузнецов, А. А. Свитич 2014 г.
Наземная экология
Анаморфные грибы Вьетнама. V
В. А. Мельник, А. В. Александрова, Ю. К. Новожилов, Е. С. Попов, А. Н. Кузнецов, А. Е. Коваленко МИКОЛОГИЯ И ФИТОПАТОЛОГИЯ, 2014, том 48, в печати
Braunomyces dictyosporus gen. sp. nov. from Vietnam
V. A. Mel’nik, P. W. Crous Abstract: The generic name Braunomyces (ascomycetes, asexual morph), with B. dictyosporus as type species, is described, illustrated and discussed, based on material collected in Vietnam on leaf debris of an unidentified broadleaved tree. The new genus is well characterised and quite distinct from other synnematous and non-synnematous dematiaceous hyphomycete genera by its unique combination of traits, viz. determinate synnematous conidiomata, integrated, terminal and intercalary conidiogenous cells with one to several conidiogenous vesicles becoming cupulate with age, tretic conidiogenesis, and mostly cruciately septate, solitary dictyoconidia.
Key words: Ascomycota, asexual morph, dematiaceous hyphomycetes, south-east Asia, synnemata
IMA FUNGUS, 2014, vol. 5, No 1, pp. 1–5.
Почвообитающие микроскопические грибы национального парка Би Дуп – Нуй Ба (Южный Вьетнам)
К. А. Калашникова, А. В. Александрова МИКОЛОГИЯ И ФИТОПАТОЛОГИЯ, 2014, том. 48, в печати
Phallus coronatus sp. nov. from Vietnam
Y. A. Rebriev, Pham Thi Ha Giang, A. V. Alexandrova MYCOTAXON. 2014
Водная экология
Аномалии в состоянии яичников полосатой зубатой барабули Parupeneus multifasciatus (Mullidae) из прибрежной зоны южной части Центрального Вьетнама
Н. Г. Емельянова, Д. А. Павлов, Е. Д. Павлов, Лыонг Тхи Бик Тхуан, Во Тхи ХаОписаны аномалии строения ооцитов полосатой зубатой барабули Parupeneus multifasciatus, отловленной в прибрежной зоне южной части Центрального Вьетнама. Аномалии отмечены в большинстве клеток (>80%) фрагментов гонад некоторых особей на протяжении периодов созревания, вителлогенеза, а в некоторых случаях – превителлогенеза. Обсуждается возможное влияние поллютантов на морфологию ооцитов.
Ключевые слова: полосатая зубатая барабуля Parupeneus multifasciatus, Mullidae, южная часть Центрального Вьетнама, зал. Нячанг, аномалии в морфологии ооцитов.
ВОПРОСЫ ИХТИОЛОГИИ, 2014, том 54, № 1, с. 1–9
DOI: 10.7868/S0042875214010056
E-mail: enata744@mail.ru
Распространение детеррентности как способа химической защиты у гидробионтов коралловых рифов Вьетнама
А. О. Касумян, Т. В. ТиньковаПредставлено академиком Д.С. Павловым 05.06.2013 г.
ДОКЛАДЫ АКАДЕМИИ НАУК, 2014, том 454, № 2, с. 237–240
DOI: 10.7868/S0869565214020273
Экологические аспекты происхождения возбудителя чумы Yersinia pestis: концепция промежуточной среды
В. В. СунцовСовременные филогении возбудителя чумы Yersinia pestis (Logh.), построенные молекулярно-генетическими методами, не находят удовлетворительного функционально-адаптационного толкования и далеки от экологической валидности. Предложен экологический сценарий происхождения возбудителя чумы путем перехода исходного псевдотуберкулезного микроба Yersinia pseudotuberculosis O:1b в свободную гостальную экологическую нишу (и новую адаптивную зону) в условиях ультраконтинентального климата позднего плейстоцена (сартанское время, 22–15 тыс. лет назад) южной Сибири и Центральной Азии. Дана характеристика промежуточной среды – паразитарной системы “монгольский сурок-тарбаган Marmota sibirica – блоха Oropsylla silantiewi”, в которой проходил адаптациогенез чумного микроба. Сценарий, опирающийся на основные положения современной синтетической теории эволюции, открывает путь к эколого-генетическому синтезу в проблеме происхождения чумы и представляет адекватную модель для развития теории молекулярной эволюции патогенных (чумоподобных) микроорганизмов.
Ключевые слова: происхождение возбудителя чумы, поздний плейстоцен, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Y. pestis, экологическая ниша, промежуточная среда, Marmota sibirica, Oropsylla silantiewi.
E-mail: vvsuntsov@rambler.ru
Ecological Aspects of the Origin of Yersinia pestis, Causative Agent of the Plague: Concept of Intermediate Environment
V. V. SuntsovAbstract: Modern phylogenies of Yersinia pestis (Logh.), causative agent of the plague, constructed using molecular–genetic methods, do not receive a satisfactory functional and adaptive interpretation and are far from being ecologically valid. We have presented an ecological scenario of the origin of the causative agent of the plague through the transition of the initial pseudotuberculosis microbe Yersinia pseudotuberculosis O:1b to a free hostal ecological niche (and a new adaptive zone) under ultracontinental climatic conditions of the Late Pleistocene (Sartan time, 22000–15000 years ago) in southern Siberia and Central Asia. An intermediate environment, i.e., the “Mongolian marmot Marmota sibirica–flea Oropsylla silatiewi” parasitic system,where the process of adaptation development of the plague microbe took place, has been characterized. A scenario based on the major principles of the modern synthetic theory of evolution opens the way to an ecological–genetic synthesis of the problem of plague origin and is an appropriate model for developing a theory of molecular evolution of pathogenic (plaguelike) microorganisms.
Keywords: origin of the causative agent of the plague, Late Pleistocene, Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, Y. pestis, ecological niche, intermediate environment, Marmota sibirica, Oropsylla silantiewi
CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS OF ECOLOGY, 2014, vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 1–11.
DOI: 10.1134/S1995425514010144
E-mail: vvsuntsov@rambler.ru
Происхождение чумы: экологический сценарий
К 120-летию открытия А. Йерсеном и Ш. Китазато микроба чумы Yersinia pestisВ. В. Сунцов
ПРИРОДА, 2014, № 1, с. 3–14
2013 г.
Наземная экология
Two new rhacophorid frogs from Cat Ba island, Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam
Konstantin D. Milto, Nikolay A. Poyarkov, Nikolai L. Orlov, and Tao Thien NguyenAbstract: Two new species of microsized rhacophorid frogs of the genera Liuixalus and Philautus are described from Cat Ba island, Gulf of Tonkin, Hai Phong Province, Vietnam, based on field work done in 2008 – 2011. Adiagnosis of the genus Liuixalus is given, with discussion on estimated distribution of this genus. Both new species are potential endemics so far known only for Cat Ba island.
Keywords: Liuixalus; Philautus; new species; Rhacophoridae; Cat Ba; Hai Phong; Vietnam.
RUSSIAN JOURNAL OF HERPETOLOGY, 2013, vol. 20, № 4, pp. 287–300
Из жизни муравьёв-ткачей
П. В. Квартальнов ТРОИЦКИЙ ВАРИАНТ - НАУКА (ГАЗЕТА), 2013, № 23 (142), С. 10.
Библиографический указатель "Тропцентр - 2012"
Библиографический указатель публикаций Тропического центра за 1989-2011 гг. Изд. 4-е дополненное // Ханой:
Издательство NXB Thanh Nien. 2013. 194 с.
Водная экология
Non-indigenous armoured catfish in Vietnam: invasion and systematic
D. D. Zworykin, S. V. BudaevAbstract: The occurrence of non-indigenous armoured catfish Pterygoplichthys aff. pardalis from the Dinh River basin (Khan Hoa Province, Vietnam) is reported. We provide data indicating that this may be a naturalized population and present information on the fish reproduction, which points to possible batch spawning. Potential threats posed by the armoured catfish to the native habitat are discussed. Morphometric traits do not form discrete clusters, patterns of the body colouration (the main diagnostic character of these species) are very diverse and largely embrace those of different species. We suggest that the systematics of the genus should be revised.
ICHTHYOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2013, vol. 60, No 4, pp. 327–333
E-mail: d.zworykin@gmail.com
Tropical Amphi-Pacific disjunctions in the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda)
Kay Van Damme, Artem Y. SinevAbstract: Tropical Amphi-Pacific and trans-Pacific disjunctions are among the most controversial distribution patterns in biogeography. A disjunct distribution pattern between SE Asia (in fact, Indochina-Assam) and the Neotropics is rarely investigated in freshwater invertebrates. In the following, we give the first review on potential tropical Amphi-Pacific disjunctions in the Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda), a group of freshwater microcrustaceans. As a case study, we examine the littoral-benthic freshwater genus Leydigiopsis Sars, 1901 (Cladocera: Anomopoda: Chydoridae). The lineage has four known species in the Neotropics and we examine the status of Leydigiopsis records from Indochina and Assam (India). Our morphological study shows that the Oriental Leydigiopsis is not a human-mediated introduced species from South America. The populations belong to a distinct species, which we describe as new from Thailand and Vietnam. We discuss the biogeography of Leydigiopsis and examine possible hypotheses underlying the observed distribution pattern (e.g. transoceanic long-distance dispersal, boreotropical migration scenario, African extinction scenario). Our case study shows that a boreotropical origin seems the most plausible scenario for the current distribution of this tropical chydorid lineage. In the absence of a good fossil record, we propose that a comparison with biogeographical hypotheses of plants, may provide useful analogies when studying anomopod biogeography, because ephippia, the propagules for dispersal, functionally act as minute aquatic plant seeds. We list other examples of potential tropical Amphi-or trans-Pacific disjunctions in the Cladocera, based on phenotypes and we provide an updated key to the Leydigiopsis species of the world. Undersampling, taxonomical bias, the absence of molecular data and a poor fossil record, remain the most important obstacles for studying biogeography in non-planktonic tropical freshwater zooplankton.
Key words: Cladocera systematics, biogeography, Leydigiopsis pulchra n. sp., tropical Amphi-Pacific disjunctions, boreotropics, SE Asia.
J. LIMNOL, 2013, 72, s 2, pp. 209–244
Notes on the cladoceran Pleuroxus (Picripleuroxus) quasidenticulatus (Smirnov, 1996) (Anomopoda: Chydoridae) from South-East Asia and Far East of Russia
A. Y. Sinev, L. SanoamuangAbstract: The morphology of the Australasian cladoceran Pleuroxus (Picripleuroxus) quasidenticulatus (Smirnov, 1996) was studied, using material from Thailand, Vietnam and the Far East of Russia. The morphology of the thoracic limbs and the detailed morphology of males were studied for the first time. The taxonomic position, relationship and distribution of the species are discussed. The species is recorded for Russia for the first time and this is one of the few tropical cladoceran species penetrating this far North.
INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY, 2013, vol. 10, No 2, pp. 269–280
Cladocera (Crustacea: Branchiopoda) of Cat Tien National Park, South Vietnam
A. Y. Sinev, N. M. KorovchinskyAbstract: Cladocera of Cat Tien National Park, South Vietnam, and the surrounding agricultural area, were surveyed during the spring of 2009 (onset of the wet season) and autumn 2010 (end of the wet season). The studied water bodies included two large lakes (Bau Sau and Bau Chim), small lakes and ponds, temporary pools, rivers and streams, as well as rice fields and ponds in an agricultural area beyond the boundaries of the National Park. Fifty three species of Cladocera were found, 18 of them new for Vietnam. Distribution and taxonomical status of the species are discussed. Of the recorded species, 58.5% (31) were found only in the National Park, 34% (18) both in the National Park and the agricultural area, and only 7.5% (4) exclusively in the agricultural area. Of the 20 species new for Vietnam, only one was found both in the National Park and the agricultural area, all others were found in the National Park only. Such a difference can be directly attributed to the loss of natural habitats (forest ponds and streams) in agricultural areas and to the pollution by pesticides. Our study shows the importance of surveys in pristine and protected areas, for the full evaluation of regional microcrustacean richness.
Key words: Cladocera, distribution, Cat Tien National Park, South East Asia, South Vietnam.
J. LIMNOL, 2013, 72, s 2, pp. 125–141
E-mail: artemsinev@yandex.ru